
News Archive

Legislative Update: January 2018

January 31, 2018

Please feel free to share this information with your fellow HGEA members.

Wednesday, January 24 was the bill introduction cut-off deadline. The Hawaii Legislature functions on a biennium, bills that were introduced last year but did not meet deadlines are still considered “alive” – in fact, some have already been scheduled for committee hearings. All in all, the Legislature (and your legislative staff!) will be combing through 2,754 house bills and 3,107 senate bills, for a grand total of: 5,861 bills! Wow! We are also closely monitoring Governor’s Messages and resolutions that may affect members.

Thursday, January 25 was a Recess Day, where the leadership in both Chambers met to assign committee referrals to every bill. The next important deadline at the Legislature is Friday, February 16 - First Lateral, where all bills in the originating house with more than one referral must be in their final committee (for example, a house bill with a House Labor, Finance referral, must have passed out of the Labor Committee to be considered “alive”).

A copy of the entire bill file (bills & resolutions we are tracking) will be posted on our website at and will be updated weekly for all members to view.


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