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Legislative Update: HHSC Hearings for Senate Bill 3064
April 07, 2014
On April 1, 2014, HGEA Legislative Officer Michele Kurihara-Klein and Field Services Officer Joy Kuwabara testified in opposition before the House Committee on Finance on S.B. 3064, which proposes a public-private partnership for Hawaii Health Systems Corporation (HHSC). Alice Hall, interim CEO of HHSC, testified in support of the legislation, citing financial challenges under the current structure of HHSC. Representatives Richard Onishi and Dee Morikawa (former HGEA members and negotiating committee members) went on the attack, questioning Hall regarding the collective bargaining process in which she not so truthfully implied that while there have been discussions with HGEA for Supplemental Agreements, after the master contract is set, they have nothing left to offer. HGEA refuted Hall’s comments as the HHSC has not proposed any formal Supplemental Agreements.
The Committee on Finance has moved the bill out of committee. The third reading vote on the House version of the bill is tomorrow, April 8. We will continue to update you on S.B. 3064 via eBulletin.